Tidal waves are a natural phenomenon that is difficult to avoid and difficult to predict. This article helps break down the terminology of tidal waves and gives some insight into the dangers they present.
What are Tidal Waves?
Tidal waves are giant waves that arise from the tides. The tide is the rise and fall of the ocean’s water level caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and sun. The height of a tidal wave is determined by how high the water rises during its cycle.
Tidal waves can be categorized according to their size: small, moderate, and large. A small tidal wave is under 10 meters in height and a large tidal wave is over 100 meters in height.
How Do Tidal Waves Form?
Tidal waves form when large bodies of water, such as oceans or seas, are stirred up by an event, such as a storm. The disturbance causes the water to become agitated and causes tidal waves. Tidal waves can be very dangerous because they can travel quickly and cause great damage.
Tidal waves are created when two opposing waves meet. The larger of the two waves crashes against the shore first, producing a tsunami if it hits densely populated areas. The smaller wave follows shortly after, creating a powerful surge that travels inland. Because tidal waves are generated by water rushing ashore, they are also called “oceanic” or “seawater” waves. Tidal waves can occur anywhere there is an estuary or bay with steep cliffs on either side, including California’s Bay Area and England’s Cornwall coast, which amplifies and prolongs the wave action.
How Do Tidal Waves Impact the Earth?
Tidal waves can travel for miles and can cause significant damage if they hit populated areas. They are also dangerous because they can suck people out to sea and cause fatalities.
Tidal waves can be unpredictable, so it is important to stay informed and heed warning signs if you see them in the ocean.
The danger posed by tidal waves comes from three factors: their size, speed, and power. Larger tides produce bigger waves than smaller ones; faster tides create more powerful waves than slower ones; and power determines how far inland a wave can travel before it dissipates. In general, tidal waves travel farther inland than any other type of wave because they have more power – meaning they move faster through water and break more violently.
The Disaster of a Tsunami
A tsunami is created when a large body of water, such as the ocean or a lake, is displaced by an earthquake or other seismic event. The sudden displacement of water creates a wave that travels out to sea. Tsunamis are typically classified according to their height and speed. A low-height tsunami moves very slowly and typically has a length of no more than 100 meters (330 feet). A high-height tsunami, on the other hand, can travel up to 500 meters (1,600 feet) per second and has a devastating impact.
Tsunamis are not just destructive coastal phenomena; they pose a serious threat to ocean vessels as well. When waves reach a ship at sea they can cause damage both inside and outside the vessel. Waves can break windows and flood decks with salt water and debris, sinking ships quickly. Tsunami waves can also generate huge waves known as “king waves” which considerably increase the damage inflicted on ships traveling in their path.
How To Survive a Tsunami if You’re on or Near the Coast
If you’re on or near the coast when a tsunami hits, the first thing you need to do is get as high up on land as possible. The higher you are, the less water will reach you and the less likely you are to be injured or killed. If there’s time, try to move to higher ground further inland.
If a tsunami is heading your way, don’t try to outrun it. Instead, hold your breath and wait for it to come toward you. When it does, go underwater as quickly as possible. Don’t worry about being swept away – the wave will rush over and past you without bringing you into danger.
If a tsunami hits while you’re in the water, don’t fight against it. Just let it carry you along with it until the wave subsides and then swim to safety. If a tsunami carries you out into open water, stay calm and float until help arrives.
If you’re near a coastal area and a tsunami warning is issued, move to higher ground immediately. If you can’t get to a safe place, find a sturdy piece of furniture or concrete and hold on. Don’t try to outrun the tsunami – it could kill you.